NPSS has added a new course to its list of stress-related trainings: Critical Incidents in Places of Worship – Providing Effective Crisis Support. This month our Executive Director was authorized by the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation to be able to teach this program. Co-authored by Rev Rob Dewey and Dr. Victor Welzant, this course prepares members of faith-based organizations to be able to effectively respond to disasters and emergencies within their organizations.
The need for this type of program is obvious when we watch events in the media depicting various natural and man-made emergencies that are occurring in places of worship. From recent high-profile events such as church shootings and antifaith-initiated threats and vandalism to more common issues such as medical emergencies and operational challenges, the need for preparation is essential. This one-day program explores the challenges that may be faced within various places of worship and helps participants to begin to develop solution-focused plans to respond when and if an emergency occurs.