NPSS presents at the Fire Chiefs’ Association of Massachusetts (FCAM) Professional Development Conference

This year our Executive Director was invited to develop and present a program for support staff in the Fire Service. Our presentation: “What is a Critical Incident: How to recognize it in Firefighters?”, was given on February 28 at the FCAM Professional Development Conference in Worcester, MA. Attendees consisted of representatives of the Fire Services from across the State.

Traditionally these types of presentations are geared towards firefighters in the field and in command positions. This presentation targeted other fire department personnel who are exposed to the firefighter population. Potential stressors and reactions that they may see in their departments were discussed with the group. Equally important was a discussion of the stressors that this group also may experience and various coping mechanisms. The group was excited to be included in this type of discussion and offered a lot to the program from their personal experiences over the years.

Again, recognition needs to go to the FCAM leadership who requested that this presentation be given on this topic to this group. Understanding that all employees of a fire agency can have challenges to deal with. Knowing what to look for and having access to resources is essential to the overall health of the agency.

It is a great honor to be asked to support our firefighting community through various means including these educational presentations. Supporting all first responder agencies in their efforts by providing resources to enhance the health and well-being of our uniformed and non-uniform personnel has always been, and continues to be, a priority mission here at NPSS.