Last month, our Executive Director was invited to present two programs to the IL State FOP Wellness Group to support the health and well-being of Law Enforcement personnel. The two ICISF programs: Assisting Individuals in Crisis and Group Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention, Intervention, and Postvention were presented over five days to the group in Springfield, IL. Attendees consisted of representatives of various FOP connected Police and Corrections Services from across the State.
Law enforcement mental health and wellness has emerged in recent years as a focal area for the law enforcement community. The days of “suck it up” have been replaced with providing services to enhance wellness and resiliency. Tools to be used on an on-going daily basis, when a critical incident occurs, or after a significant event in the life of the individual or agency are now being developed and implemented within this community. These tools and methods are allowing us to better serve those who serve.
Recognition needs to go to the IL State FOP leadership who requested that these courses be brought to their membership. Support of law enforcement personnel globally continues to be in various stages of development and implementation. The leadership within this State organization is committed to providing the latest and best tools and options for their members and their families.
It is a great honor to have been asked to work with this group in the development of their state-wide program. The attendees worked extremely hard and took the training very seriously. The skill set that they displayed over the course of the five days showed their commitment to the topics and they should be commended for their dedication to helping others in their profession.
For more information about the IL State FOP please visit: www.ilfop.org