
Advanced Group Crisis Intervention

Course Description: Designed to provide participants with the latest information on critical incident stress management techniques and post-trauma syndromes, the Advanced Group Crisis Intervention builds on the knowledge base which was obtained through the Group Crisis Intervention workshop and/or in publications. At the conclusion of this workshop, participants will have been exposed to specific, proven… Continue Reading →


Advanced Individual Crisis Intervention and Peer Support

Course Description: Crisis Intervention is NOT Psychotherapy; rather, it is a specialized acute emergency mental health intervention which requires specialized training. This program is the second in a two course series entitled Assisting Individuals in Crisis Intervention. The program is designed to teach crisis interventions it applies to assisting individuals in crisis, one person at… Continue Reading →


Assaulted Staff Action Program: Coping with the Psychological Aftermath of Violence

Course Description: ASAP is a powerful Critical Incident Stress Management intervention (CISM) to assist persons who are victims of violence and/or who witness violence happening to others. ASAP helps these victims to cope with the psychological aftermath of such incidents by utilizing individual, group, support group, and family victim outreach crisis intervention procedures and private… Continue Reading →


Assisting Individuals in Crisis & Group Crisis Intervention (GRIN Combo class)

Course Description: This 3-day course combines ALL of the content of ICISF’s Assisting Individuals in Crisis & Group Crisis Intervention courses. Crisis Intervention is NOT psychotherapy; rather, it is a specialized acute emergency mental health intervention which requires specialized training. As physical first aid is to surgery, crisis intervention is to psychotherapy. Thus, crisis intervention… Continue Reading →


CISM Application with Children

Course Description: Traumatic events involving children disturb and confuse both the children involved and the adult responders. Our children deserve the opportunity to heal from the frightening complications of childhood trauma. This course explores the developmental considerations and children’s trauma response from infancy through adolescence. Preventive, intervention and recovery strategies will assist the adult responding… Continue Reading →


CISM: Practical Review and Update

Course Description: Staying current with your profession is not only tactically wise, it’s an ethical obligation we have as we touch the lives of others who are in extreme distress. This ICISF provides a thoughtful and stimulating review and update of the information and skills in the field. Program Highlights: Differentiate among types of critical… Continue Reading →


CISM Pre-Incident Education

Course Description: Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) is often misunderstood as to what it is and what it is not. Misrepresentations, lack of information, and general myths abound about CISM. What is it? How long does it take? Does this equate to fitness for duty? Is this just a big group hug? In this presentation,… Continue Reading →


Comprehensive Crisis Preparation and Response for the Workplace

Course Description: Every day thousands of people are exposed to traumatic events in their workplace which can have significant impact and cause a number of challenges for a company and its employees. The types of events they are exposed to are varied and most often unexpected. Tragic events impact the productivity and psychological health of… Continue Reading →


Critical Incidents in Places of Worship – Providing Effective Crisis Support

Course Description: The faith-based communities have long been responders to disaster and emergencies, providing needed care to those impacted. Recent events both in the US and internationally highlight the need for crisis services for those very faith-based communities when events impact their staff and volunteers. This workshop will address providing crisis services for places of… Continue Reading →


Dealing with the Bereaved Family and Friends

Course Description: Grief and Bereavement are a natural part of life. Events occur naturally and traumatically in everyone’s life that that have the potential to evoke grief reactions. When this happens how can you support these people as they go through this life challenge? In this awareness level program, we will provide an overview of… Continue Reading →


Emotional and Spiritual Care in Disasters

Course Description: This advanced level course will enhance your skills to provide effective emotional and spiritual care (ESC) to meet the disaster-related needs of disaster responders and disaster-affected families and individuals within disaster operations. This course builds on the crisis intervention principles taught in the Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) core courses to effectively integrate… Continue Reading →


Families and CISM: Developing a Comprehensive Program

Course Description: Any given crisis can be contagious! Any person who is part of a family unit and who has been affected by a crisis, trauma, or disaster brings the crisis home to the members of the family. The crisis can spread to family members directly through abuse, abandonment, neglect or indirectly through isolation, withdrawal… Continue Reading →


From Battlefield to Street: One Uniform to Another

Course Description: Public safety personnel who also have dual roles in the military are facing new challenges today. Military life and deployments often can leave the first responder/combat veteran with traumatic experiences that get ”triggered” when they return to serve in their public safety roles. The young child struck by a car, entering a burning… Continue Reading →


From Trauma to Addictions

Course Description: Explore the relationship between exposure to traumas and the often resulting addiction. Those individuals who work in the ”helping professions” are statistically at a greater risk for developing addictions. The use of alcohol, drugs and other activities as a means of self-medicating overwhelming job-related stress and chronic exposure to emotionally charged events is… Continue Reading →


Grief Following Trauma

Course Description: In the course of one’s career, it is inevitable that professionals will encounter traumatic death and loss issues both personally and professionally. Professionals often feel ill prepared to provide effective care throughout the grief process. This course will cover key grief and loss concepts relating to trauma and traumatic death. Participants will increase… Continue Reading →


Group Crisis Intervention

Course Description: Designed to present the core elements of a comprehensive, systematic and multi-component crisis intervention curriculum, the Group Crisis Intervention course will prepare participants to understand a wide range of crisis intervention services. Fundamentals of Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) will be outlined and participants will leave with the knowledge and tools to provide… Continue Reading →


Individual Crisis Intervention & Peer Support

Course Description: Crisis Intervention is NOT psychotherapy; rather, it is a specialized acute emergency mental health intervention which requires specialized training. As physical first aid is to surgery, crisis intervention is to psychotherapy. Thus, crisis intervention is sometimes called “emotional first aid”. This program is designed to teach participants the fundamentals of, and a specific… Continue Reading →


Law Enforcement Perspectives for CISM Enhancement

Course Description: Learn to identify, understand, and work with the ”Blue Wall of Silence” in the law enforcement community. Designed to provide insight and understanding of the different types of stress in law enforcement culture from a systems perspectives emphasis, this course will provide practical “back pocket skills” in providing crisis intervention services to law… Continue Reading →


Preventing Youth Violence

Course Description: Violence in the United States is a national public health issue. Increasingly, much of this violence is committed by our children and teenagers. Crimes by our young people are no longer predominantly misdemeanors but now include the major felonies of homicide, rape, robbery, and serious assault. Adults are understandably concerned by the depraved… Continue Reading →


Resilience in Healthcare: Performance, Meaning and Connection

Course Description: Resilience is recognized as an important factor in sustained health and performance in the workplace. Recent changes in healthcare delivery, ethics, and technology present both stress and opportunities for personal and career development and finding meaning in one’s work. The role of specific behaviors, values, mindsets and relationships in sustaining resilience is becoming… Continue Reading →


Responding to School Crises: A Multi-component Crisis Intervention Approach

Course Description: Educators nationwide and worldwide struggle to establish and manage School Crisis Response Teams in response to the recent escalation in frequency and scope of campus emergencies. Community CISM teams have much to offer, but much to learn about the unique milieu of schools. Similarly, schools can benefit from CISM technology and strategies. This… Continue Reading →


Spiritual and Psychological First Aid

Course Description: Research validates that the help and support people receive in times of crisis matters. Providing effective emotional and spiritual care to individuals, families, and communities in difficult times is critical and can help promote resiliency and recovery. This two-day course endeavors to build helping skills and a better understanding of the unique role… Continue Reading →


Strategic Response to Crisis

Course Description: Knowing what sequence of crisis intervention processes to use for which individuals or groups, at what times, and under what circumstances is crucial to all effective early intervention programs. The course will present essential information for the assessment of both crisis situations and the effects of critical incidents on people involved in those… Continue Reading →


Suicide Awareness for non-Mental Health Professionals

Course Description: The ability to recognize and effectively intervene with suicidal individuals is one of the most challenging aspects of crisis intervention. This course is recommended for those without formal mental health training. The course is designed to increase awareness of suicide, and equip participants with information and basic skills to respond to a person… Continue Reading →


Suicide Prevention, Intervention and Postvention

Course Description: Why do people kill themselves? How do I ask someone if they are feeling suicidal? What do I do if they say they ARE suicidal? How do I deal with the strong emotions suicide generates? This course will provide answers for these and other questions many of crisis interventionists have about suicide. It… Continue Reading →


Techniques for Delivering Bad News for Crisis Response Personnel

Course Description: Whether we are a recipient or a messenger of bad news, it impacts and distresses each of us. The necessity of delivering upsetting information causes most people distress. No one likes to be the bearer of bad news. The difficult task, however, can be made less painful if certain principles and practices are… Continue Reading →


Terrorism: Psychological Impact and Implications

Course Description: Acts of terrorism are unparalleled in their potential to undermine psychological stability. This course will explore preparedness and response to terrorism with an emphasis on at-risk populations, coping mechanisms, resiliency, self-care for disaster responders, and lessons learned from the Oklahoma City bombing and the attacks of 9/11/01. Psychological and psychosomatic symptoms will be… Continue Reading →


Understanding Human Violence: Survival Information for Emergency Services and Counselors

Course Description: Emergency services and counselors are asked to respond to natural and man-made disasters and human-perpetrated violence. These latter requests may involve critical incidents such as street crime, domestic violence, workplace violence, psychosis, substances use, and youth violence. This two-day course focuses on enhancing safety and survival when providing care in these situations. The… Continue Reading →


Understanding the First Responder’s Cultures: For Mental Health Staff

Course Description: All mental health professionals know that we need to understand the cultural setting of our clients to provide the most effective interventions. This is also true for working with First Responder’s. For the purposes of this training, First Responder’s are identified as those individuals who work as: Dispatchers, Law Enforcement Officers, Correctional Officers,… Continue Reading →


Understanding Uniformed Family Services Stress

Course Description: Uniformed services personnel respond to individual and cumulative trauma experiences using coping strategies that are common to the culture of their organization. They receive some training and often have available to them a variety of psychological assistance. Their family members, however, are often left to their own to recognize and understand the suffering… Continue Reading →


Workplace Violence

Course Description: Violence in the workplace is a serious health and safety issue. This course will provide an overview of current thinking and best practices in workplace violence prevention, response, and recovery. The focus will be on designing a proactive approach as well as a comprehensive response plan to meet the needs of organizations at… Continue Reading →
