View news and upcoming events below.

“Taking Care of the Caregiver” Webinar to be presented on Thursday, April 16th
We are honored to have been asked to present a modified version of the program that we presented last December at the International Cardiac Arrest Survival Conference, “Taking Care of the Caregiver – the Missing Link”, by Code One Training. In these challenging times of this global pandemic, it is essential that we support our… Continue Reading →
Continue Reading →Maintaining Mental and Emotional Wellness During the Coronavirus Pandemic
The coronavirus pandemic has impacted and tested the world’s resolve in ways never before imagined. Disaster planning and exercise drills have been conducted around biological threats for many years but no one had envisioned the scope of the problem being as large as what we are facing today. No one is outside the reach of… Continue Reading →
Continue Reading →Psychology of Terrorism and Thought Field Therapy CISM Training Provided in Pittsburgh, PA to an International Audience
This past January and February, NPSS had the opportunity to provide Advanced CISM education through the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation (ICISF) at their regional conference in Pittsburgh, PA. Advanced skills were presented over a 4-day period including Terrorism: Psychological Impact and Implications and Thought Field Therapy. Audience members consisted of attendees from diverse backgrounds… Continue Reading →
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Members from the Honolulu and Maui Fire Departments receive training on the JW Fishers Side-Scan SONAR system
In December, our Director traveled to Honolulu Hawaii to provide a 2-day class on the Fishers’ Side-Scan SONAR system. Honolulu FD recently purchased a JW Fisher’s system for their agency. Rescue team members from both the Honolulu and Maui Fire Departments challenged themselves over the two days to learn about and then operationalize this technology…. Continue Reading →
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NPSS presents at the International Cardiac Arrest Survival Summit
This December, our Executive Director was an invited speaker to present at the Citizen CPR Foundation’s, Cardiac Arrest Survival Summit in Seattle WA. Formerly known as the Emergency Cardiac Care Update conference, the program draws attendees from all over the world. Attendees this year came from 21 countries and included leaders in the resuscitation field… Continue Reading →
Continue Reading →New course offering: Critical Incidents in Places of Worship – Providing Effective Crisis Support
NPSS has added a new course to its list of stress-related trainings: Critical Incidents in Places of Worship – Providing Effective Crisis Support. This month our Executive Director was authorized by the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation to be able to teach this program. Co-authored by Rev Rob Dewey and Dr. Victor Welzant, this course… Continue Reading →
Continue Reading →Please remember and give thanks on this Veterans’ Day
On this Veteran’s Day, please take a moment to remember and give thanks to, and for, the Veterans who have served for you and this country. Many people see today as simply a “holiday” that gives them a day off from school or work. Today has a much deeper meaning to all of us and… Continue Reading →
Continue Reading →Energy Healing technology presented in Las Vegas
This October our Executive Director has the privilege of being an invited speaker to co-present at the Inner Light Compass conference in Las Vegas along with Terry Trueblood, PhD and Christine Gurganus, RN, BSN. This conference focused on spiritual healing concepts and techniques for both practitioners and those wanting to learn more about this field…. Continue Reading →
Continue Reading →NPSS presents at the Michigan State CISM Conference
This September our Executive Director had the honor of giving two presentations for the Michigan State CISM conference. This was their 31st annual conference and was a great success for them in offering a variety of classes, membership bonding, and furthering their organizational mission. Attendees came from across Michigan and surrounding states and represented various… Continue Reading →
Continue Reading →September is National Suicide Prevention Month
September is National Suicide Prevention Month in the United States. Aside from the obvious loss of life, this is a public health issue that effects so many of us in various ways. The latest available estimates put out by the American Association of Suicidology show that 47,173 people took their own lives in 2017. It… Continue Reading →
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